SI Glendale
Our 2024-2025 Officers and Board Members

Jean Kagan
Desiree Portillo-Rabinov
President Elect
Gay Kinman and
Kathy Lefkovits
1st Vice President, Programs
Ilena J. Blicker, M.D.
2nd Vice President, Fundraising
Jennifer Bentson-Gebel
and Jane Karageorge
(assisted by Sandra Zane)
3rd Vice President, Membership
Susan Hunt
4th Vice President, Service
Debie Hess-Wakeland
assisted by
Desiree Portillo-Rabinov
(Business Meeting Minutes)
Sarah Hill
(Board Meeting Minutes)
Recording Secretary
Miryam Orellana Finkelberg
(assisted by
Jane Karageorge
and Wendy Grove)
Communications Secretary
Kathryn Van Houten
(assisted by Sarah Hill)
Editha Fuentes
(Alternate Carol Ann Burton)
2 Year Director/Delegate
Liz Mirzaian
(Alternate Margo Bottcher)
1 Year Director/Delegate
Heather Watson Ghermezian
Immediate Past President